For a young couple relocating from Manhattan, this expansive 5-floor townhouse was a lot of house compared to the 1 bedroom Riverside Drive condo they left behind. We worked closely with the couple to map out how they planned to use the space, which included planning for a family and family friendly furnishings and finishes, not to mention the shock of vertical living. Stripping the home of much of the added faux detail layered in many previous owners was our first order of business. Adding a soft-modern mix of vintage and new furnishings, dramatic but tailored drapery and a complete overhaul of the master suite resulted in a warm, fresh and incredibly stylish (if we do say so ourselves) living space. High impact color balances nicely with simple but richly textured fabrics. This home remains one of our most beloved projects.
This project was included in the book Decorate Fearlessly! by the great Susanna Salk